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A Brief Biased View on Games Played

Brief personal review on games played, slightly biased towards an engaging story-line. Every game finished on the highest difficulty possible and every last blip on the map explored. Curbed the instinct to be verbose, to write but a crisp gist of what the game brings to the table and why its worth remembering. 

In-Game aspects rated on: 

1: Story/Plot / Character relationship

2: Level Design / World/Game-play

3: Music / Original Score / VO

4: Overall etch in mind (mojo)  

5: OD - An ode to devs (thoughtful details in narration, story or in-game literature) 

In No Particular Order starting with :

Horizon ZD.jpeg

With a sci-fi story to baffle your senses, a text-book hero’s journey, playing out smoothly through its narration, game-play and spectacular world. It is excruciating to forget the female protagonist, Aloy, as you uncover love, loss, pride, spirit and of course, mysterious A.I. & robotic dinosaurs. With a hunter's paradise as your world, nothing compares to stalking and bringing down a metal T-Rex dinosaur and garnering a trophy or two. Much is to be said about the unique and bewildering dystopian story, yet it manages to connect the dots in an odd scientific way. The experience oozes with thought-provoking information and high octane action, not to mention the various side quests that have their own little intrigue and fun, strengthening the bond with various NPCs.  


  • S/P/CR            - 10/10

  • LD/W/GP         - 10/10

  • BGM/OST/VO  -   9/10

  • My Mojo           - 10/10

OD - The gradual realisation a veteran's wife has, that she is communicating with an auto-generated system that replies to her mails, so as to conceal her husbands death is striking, as much as Concrete Beach Party or the alleged murder of Dod Blevins.

Vijay Thampy



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